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Academic Services at WVU

Career Services

Launch your career! Career Services will help with internships and your job search. Starting your first semester, we are ready to help with:

Purpose Center

We have the first Purpose Center on any college campus. We’ll help you learn your strengths and how to use them to reach your full potential. CliftonStrengths® is a fun (no stress) online tool you can use, for free, along with individual coaching sessions.


College is different from high school. Even if you’ve taken college-level classes, there will be an adjustment. That’s why we offer free tutoring and student success coaching.

Student Success Programs

Your goal is graduation. And we want you to get there. Our Student Success programs will help you stay on goal with free services like mentoring, workshops and programs especially for first-generation students and students of color.


Your academic adviser will help you chart a plan of study. Depending on your major, your adviser will be a faculty member in your department or a professional adviser familiar with your major and possible career paths. If you haven’t decided on a major, you will work with an adviser to narrow your academic and career interests. You can also use DegreeWorks to get real-time advice and track progress toward your degree.

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