129 paths to 1 destination: Your dream career.
Enter a major, career or interest to start your search.
If you think you’re going to passively listen and recite facts, think again.
129 paths to 1 destination: Your dream career.
Enter a major, career or interest to start your search.
We have 129 undergraduate majors – everything from criminology to engineering. Scan the list and you may find some options you hadn't considered.
We offer 9 fully online bachelor’s degree programs. Minors, certificates and associate degrees are available online, too.
With so many options, we know it can be hard to decide. Your admissions counselor can help you make a good choice.
Here, Honors doesn’t mean “harder.” It means smaller classes. An alumni mentor. Independent study with top professors. Publishing in the undergraduate research journal. And starting college in your own Honors community.
Take the Next Step and Become a Mountaineer.
Your first step to becoming a Mountaineer is applying for admission. Our online application makes the process as convenient as possible.
Want to know more about WVU? Fill out the Request Information form to learn about the endless possibilities we offer.
Visit us in person or virtually to experience the unforgettable Mountaineer spirit for yourself. Tour our beautiful campus, talk with our friendly people and sign up for fun and relaxed events that immerse you in the WVU experience.